cohen’s new tricksOctober 13, 2009
- Download Pumpkin Patch Quad Cities 2012 Free Version
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- Download Pumpkin Patch Quad Cities 2012 Free Download
- Download Pumpkin Patch Quad Cities 2012 Free
There is an arts and crafts fair, great food, good music, hay rides a corn maze, and a pumpkin patch. Hay rides from the start of the festival to the pumpkin patch and corn maze The hay rides are free of charge and take you from one end of Corrales to the other. A sixth-generation family-owned farm in the Quad Cities. As you all know, Illinois is the No. 1 state for pumpkin production and over 90% of the processed pumpkins in. Pumpkin Patch Festival has been a tradition for 26 years Open every day at 2:30 p.m., they use their trebuchet to fling a pumpkin into the air. Visit Saturdays and Sundays until 5:00 p.m.
Wow! Busy week for the little man.
This weekend we were in the quad cities and as we all know, winter decided to come early. Luckily, Cohen has very prepared grandparents because they had already bought him a new winter jacket and snow pants! Today Jacob and I topped off the ensemble by adding mittens and a hat. Cohen is ready for the winter weather.

Cohen also has several new tricks he will have to show off at the next spaghetti dinner and/or family gathering. He can now point to his head when we ask “Where is your head?” This oftentimes winds up looking like he is thinking “ay-yi-yi, why are my crazy parents asking me to point to my head?” Cohen has also learned the difference between several of his toys. He can distinguish his teddy bear, cars, and fire truck when we ask them to go get them.
We were reading through “baby’s first 100 words” tonight and Cohen can point to a bottle, banana, and teddy bear on the page. He gets super excited when he knows he picked the right picture and he pounds the book and shrieks when he knows he’s right.

Since he got a new, pushable fire truck this weekend he has been wanted to walk and push around anything he can get his hands on. Tonight he managed to push his diaper champ all the way out of his room without any help. Jacob called him the “poopie pusher”
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Well, now our little poopie-pusher is in bed and I am a little sad because he has finally reached the point where he wants to fall asleep on his own rather than have me rock him. When I told Jacob this was a little sad, he said “yes, but it is also very, very nice.” Bittersweet, this growing up thing is.

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Signing off for now,
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