Turbo Smoke is a tractor pulling game made to simulate the real world of tractor pulling. Have Fun!
How to play Turbo Smoke game online
What are Tractor Games? Tractor Games are driving games where the player controls a tractor to work on a farm or construction site. Start the engines of your tractor, push the turbo boost button and pull a trailer loaded with the biggest weights. Play tractor games at Y8.com. Harvest bountiful crops using not your horse and plow, but a tractor instead. Play Farming Simulator to experience the joy of growing food. Alternatively, use your tractor to deliver the food without spilling the contents on the ground.
Use the arrow keys to play this free online game.
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Why Smoke is a Health Hazard
According to cancer.org smoke contains harmful chemicals, often several thousands different chemicals just from a single source (for instance sigarette smokes contains about 7,000 toxic chemicals). Smoke affects the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Research does show that particles from smoke can settle in dust and on surfaces and remain there long after the smoke is gone. Some studies suggest the smoke particles can last for months. When it comes to wildfire smoke, it is known to cause immediate issues such as headaches, irritate eyes, sinuses, coughing, runny nose, chest pains, shortness of breath and even fatique.
Tractor Pulling Games Unblocked
You might enjoy to play Tractor Games Online
If you enjoy playing on farms, you will love our wide selection of tractor games. There are online games where you can drive a standard farm machine, modified racing tractor or a turbo tractor. Online tractor games provides plenty of exciting driving action, putting you behind the wheel of powerful farm equipment. There are online tractor games where you can own your own farm, tend your land, and complete exciting in-game challenges. In some you might even go up against tough opponents around the world. Tractor games are usually easy to control and fun for players of all ages. Normally you will use your keyboard to control your machine, handling accelerating, braking, and steering with just a few keys. With such a short learning curve, you'll be able to dive right into addictive game play within minutes.

Play Turbo Smoke browser game for free online today
Truck Sled Pulling Games
Do you think it would be fun to drive a tractor, maybe plow a field, and do you also like to play free web games? If you are in the same mood as us today, you probably would like to play the free Turbo Smoke game online right now. Am I correct? ;)